
[Tokyo] Art | Space Design
Annual income: 5 million to 10 million yen
Type: Space Planning
■Resume and work history written in Japanese are required.
■We are a recruitment agency conducting this recruitment on behalf of the companies seeking employees.
■Japanese N1 required.
・Able to hold business conversations fluently (no need to ask for clarification in general business conversations)
・Has lived in Japan for over a year

Employment type
Full-time employee (unlimited contract)

Job content
・Exhibition space design
・Prototype design and production of art works
・Art exhibition space layout, material selection, equipment arrangement, structural design
・Consideration and construction of the structure of art works

Matters related to "Workers and company culture"
Remote work not allowed

B-to-B services, C-to-C services, eager to develop new businesses (business diversification)

Work environment
Over 120 days of holiday per year, no transfers

Recruitment background
Further organizational strengthening, recruitment of additional staff

Job content (scope of change)
Application requirements
・Experience in space design
・Business conversation level Japanese

Required years of experience (job type)
Required years of experience (industry type)
Application category

Welcome conditions
Monthly salary
Annual salary 5 million yen to 10 million yen Million yen

Salary details
(Salary examples, etc.)
Annual salary system

Salary and remuneration
Stock options
Bonus details
Number of annual bonuses
Performance bonus

Work location

Work style
In-house work

Additional information on work location and work hours
Professional discretionary work system (8 hours per day)
Recommended hours: 10:00-19:00

Work location (scope of change)
Possibility of transfer
Work hours

Night shift

Night shift

Average monthly overtime hours
Details of average monthly overtime hours
Various allowances
Details of employee benefits
Social insurance provided, transportation expenses provided, family allowance

Other employee benefits and allowances
・Partial transportation expenses provided (up to 20,000 yen per month)
・Salary increases at any time, Complete social insurance coverage

・Semi-annual bonus

・Long service award (300, 500, 1000, 2000, 3 million yen for every 3, 5, 10, 20, 30 years)

・Family allowance (20,000 yen per month for first child, 5,000 yen per month for second and subsequent children)

・After-school social allowance (subsidy for sports involving 4 or more employees)

・Subsidy for kick-off and launch of each project, participation fee for study sessions and conferences (application required)


Holiday details
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays

Vacation system
Year-end and New Year's holidays, summer holidays, maternity leave, childcare leave, paid leave

Trial period
Trial period details
3 months

Number of employees

Selection flow
STEP1: Web entry
STEP2: Selection tasks + interviews (multiple times) *In some cases, the selection flow may change.
STEP 3: Job Offer

About passive smoking measures
Details of passive smoking measures
Whether or not there are measures against passive smoking indoors at the workplace
Measures in place

Details of passive smoking measures (if there is a smoking area outdoors, smoking is prohibited)
Smoking is prohibited