
[Application Development Engineer] Be involved from the very beginning!
Annual salary 3 million yen to 6 million yen Million yen
Type: IT Engineer
■Resume and work history written in Japanese are required.
■We are an employment agency.
■N1 or equivalent Japanese language level
■Application requirements
Open system development experience
・Java, C#, .NET, etc., one or more years of development experience

Employment type
Full-time employee (unlimited contract)

Job description
Founded in 2006. Provides consulting services directly linked to the realization of value enhancement for companies/groups.
Currently, the company is in the growth and expansion phase, positioned as the second founding period. Many employees are from major consulting firms.

[Job description]
We will entrust you with open system development of software and applications to support the management and business improvement of client companies.

[Job details]
-Requirement analysis, requirement definition (meeting with the client on "what to achieve through the system")
-Specification creation/basic design (what kind of system to make)/detailed design (what functions the program will have) implementation (programming)
-Receive work directly from end users, and the company directly contracts and carries out projects from requirement definition to implementation to introduction (※varies depending on the location)
-Under a major SI, we work as a team to plan systemization concepts and support system construction projects, etc. It is an environment where you can participate and challenge projects at other locations if you raise your hand.

[Development environment]

Languages: Java, C#.NET, VB.NET, PHP, Ruby
OSS: Eclipse and its derivatives
MS products: VisualStudio is the mainstream

[Examples of clients]

Industries include finance, manufacturing, distribution, and public institutions.

The projects we undertake are diverse, including design, construction, maintenance and operation, and SAP implementation.

Projects: Large-scale system development for government agencies, planning and operation of systems for the automotive industry, construction of systems for human resources services, and renewal of all operations and systems in the food service industry.

PR points
■Company characteristics
IT consulting company for a major corporate group of a comprehensive electrical manufacturer of ships. We provide the best solutions for our customers from three aspects: strategy formulation, business reform, and IT construction. Founded in 2006, we are still a new company in the industry, but we have achieved year-by-year improvements in performance, and have grown to currently have sales of 2.8 billion yen and bases in Tokyo, Osaka, Hiroshima, Nagoya, and Fukuoka.
The reason behind this steady growth is that the company's employees are sincere and value their customers and engineers, so much so that they are highly rated by other companies in the same industry. In fact, their sincere attitude and humanity have been highly praised, and they have achieved this level of growth.

■FutureRays in numbers
Average age: 35.2
Gender ratio: 68% men, 32% women
Average overtime hours: 11.6 hours
Average number of paid holidays taken: 13.8 days
Parental leave acquisition rate: 100% women, 20% men
Number of holidays per year: 123 days or more

■Benefits after joining the company
・Regarding transfers
In principle, there are no transfers.
If you wish to transfer to a different location, we will respond flexibly after making internal adjustments.
・Regarding holidays
Annual holidays are about 124 days (basically Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and New Year's holidays)
7 days of special holidays are given for the first six months after joining the company.
If the first half of the year is after six months, 15 days of paid holidays are given, and if the second half of the year is after six months, 10 days of paid holidays are given.
*Paid leave acquisition rate: 60%
・ Career development and evaluation
Set quantitative goals once a year and have an interview with your superior about your career.
Assign projects according to your career path as much as possible.
After one year, evaluate and review your career through feedback interviews, etc.
・Interview immediately after joining
The Management Headquarters will conduct a questionnaire and interview 3 and 6 months after joining the company.
Follow up on issues with assignments and gaps between the image before joining the company
■Interaction without barriers♪
Good ideas are hard to develop in organizations with strict hierarchical relationships. At FutureRays, we don't call people by their titles.
Everyone, including the president, calls them "Nakai-san." Even during off-time, exchanges across business divisions are naturally born.

■FutureRays also has an Instagram account!
We update a lot of information about what kind of company we are and what kind of people work there!
Please take a look♪

FutureRays celebrated its 15th anniversary in 2021. Since our founding, we have continued our growth strategy, and our management has gradually stabilized.

From fiscal year 2021, we will be in our second founding period, and we would like to step up to the next stage at a faster growth rate than ever before.

We envision growth appropriate for our second founding period, such as expanding our business scale, improving our service level, launching new businesses, and expanding overseas.

To materialize this image, we need people with a strong spirit of adventure who will create something from nothing with us, and who will continue to challenge their limits with the utmost passion.

Would you like to open the door to a new stage with us?
We are waiting for you, with a stage ready for your success.

About our "Philosophy and Vision"
Consulting is at the center of our ideas.
We believe that FutureRays' work is not a manufacturing industry, but a service industry that makes full use of ICT and consulting.

And for us, consulting is the knowledge that has been cultivated and passed down over time, and the technology to solve our customers' problems.

Furthermore, we believe that FutureRays' consulting should be a service that any company can feel free to consult about ICT.

To that end, we have established the following four guidelines.

Seamless Work
We are the same team with the same goal as our customers.

We will do our best to utilize our unique characteristics of handling everything from upstream processes to development, implementation, maintenance, and operation.

Fair Price
If you are a company that wants to request consulting but is worried that the price will not be acceptable, please contact us.

We provide services at a "fair price".

Projects First
FutureRays has a thorough understanding of upstream processes and is developing its business with consulting at its core, so it can drive projects forward.

If you are a customer who wants our services, we will visit you anywhere, not just in urban areas or within the country.

Work and business-related matters
FutureRays sets out its management philosophy as the ideal form that it aims to achieve, and the BEMAC company motto and BEMAC creed are the guidelines for all executives and employees to act with high ethical standards at all times.

Management Philosophy
"To contribute to the realization of the future envisioned by our clients with down-to-earth passion and refined organizational strength."

We become one team with our clients, look to the same future as our clients, work hard with our clients, realize the future they envision, and continue to make our utmost efforts to create a rich society.

Improve our technology and fulfill our responsibilities with a spirit of harmony.

The company motto represents the heart and ideal image of corporate management, and is also a teaching and warning for all those who work there.
Its significance emerges when all members of the company organization use it as a guidepost to achieving their goals.

1. Spirit of harmony
We value harmony within the organization, help and encourage each other, and work toward the same goal, sharing joy.

2. Improvement of skills
"Technology" is the "skill" required to carry out any task, and we aim to constantly improve it by making the most of the "skill" that the company and individuals have cultivated up to now.

3. Fulfillment of responsibilities
We each have a role to play and a responsibility to it. By fully completing what we must do, we can contribute to the company and the local community, and improve ourselves.

01. Respect individuals and fulfill responsibilities
Companies must put employees first and create a work environment and structure.
And superiors must help their subordinates, cooperate and support them in every way possible, and fulfill their responsibilities.

02. Provide the best service in the best way
We will compete for superiority without compromise, and come up with the best way to do things. We must also value the trust and reputation of our customers, and put the idea of ​​always putting the customer first into practice to provide the best service.

03 Stay a small company
Management information and policies are communicated to each employee, and employee dissatisfaction and awareness of improvement are communicated to the top. This top-down, bottom-up innovative internal communication must be built.

04 Picture success and execute it
We always humbly repeat education and retraining, and clearly picture our image of success.
And we must have the voluntary attitude to willingly execute everything necessary to achieve it.

05 Have the spirit to protect and the determination to change
We adhere to the company motto, management philosophy, and creed. On the other hand, we must have the strong determination to change policies and actions other than these philosophies, even if it means taking risks.

About "Working people and corporate culture"
Interaction without barriers
Good ideas are hard to develop in an organization with strict hierarchical relationships. At FutureRays, we don't call people by their titles.
Everyone, including the president, calls them "Nakai-san." Even during off-time, communication across business divisions naturally occurs.

People who are recognized as motivated are entrusted with high-quality, difficult work. Opportunities are equal for both young and veteran employees. You can also take advantage of our comprehensive training system to develop yourself.

B-oriented services

Recruitment background
Job content (scope of change)
Application requirements
Open system development experience
・Java, C#, .NET, etc., one or more years of development experience
Foreign nationals must be N1 equivalent

Required years of experience (job type)
One or more years
IT engineer [system development/SE/infrastructure] / Web/open system SE [application design]
*Experience in this job type is required to apply

Required years of experience (industry)
No experience in this industry is required
*Experience in this industry is not required to apply

Monthly salary 240,000 yen to 500,000 yen
Annual salary 3 million yen to 6 million yen Million yen

Example of annual salary
Expected annual salary: 3-6 million yen
◇Wage type: Monthly salary
◇Wage breakdown
・Monthly amount (basic salary): 212,500 yen
・Fixed overtime allowance/month: 32,500 yen and up (fixed overtime hours 20 hours 0 minutes/month)
・Overtime allowance for excess overtime work is paid additionally
◇Monthly salary: 245,000 yen and up (including flat-rate allowance)
◇Salary increase: Yes
◇Overtime allowance: Yes
<Salary supplement>
※Salary details will be determined based on age, experience, and ability. Please consult with us during an interview for details on the treatment conditions.
◇ Annual salary example: 6.5 million yen (35 years old / 5th year after joining the company) / 7.5 million yen (40 years old / 5th year after joining the company)
◇ Salary increase: Once a year
◇ Bonus: Twice a year *There is a year-end bonus depending on performance

The salary is only a guideline and may go up or down through the selection process.

Monthly salary (monthly amount) includes fixed allowances.

Additional information on salary conditions
Trial period 6 months: There will be no change in wages during the trial period.

Regarding "salary and treatment"
FutureRays aims to be a "company where you can work for a long time". Even the employees' families are part of the workforce. We provide as generous welfare benefits as possible. We believe that working and taking time off are equally important.

We would like employees who wish to work for a long time to do so.

We send bouquets of flowers to employees' families and offer other comprehensive welfare benefits.
Another attractive feature is the stable foundation of the parent company.

Bonuses available
