
[Entry level WEB engineer] Improve your skills in web and open systems!
Annual salary 3.5 million yen to 4.5 million yen
Type: IT Engineer
■Resume and work history written in Japanese are required.
■We are an employment agency.
■Japanese level N1 or above required
■Application requirements
◇If you have at least one year of engineering experience, you're good to go!
Phase and language don't matter.
*Working in Japan is required. We are currently not accepting applications from people living overseas.
*Work patterns vary depending on the project, so we are currently not accepting applications for full remote work.

Employment type
Full-time employee (unlimited contract)

Job description
◆Recruitment background
We are looking for new young members to further scale up!

◆Job description
Across a wide range of projects, including BtoB and BtoC for external projects, you will be responsible for open web development work.

We do business with companies in a variety of industries to fulfill as many of your wishes as possible, such as "I want to further improve my language skills" or "I want to try a different technology someday."

◆Project examples
~SES projects~
■New pay app development project for retail store/Java, Python
■Development of insurance premium calculation system/ExcelVBA
■Payment service design~manufacturing~test/AndroidJava / Kotlin
■Business efficiency service development for BtoB/PHP (Laravel), MySQL, Vue.js, AWS

PR points
◆Company characteristics
1. We pride ourselves on the friendly relationship between employees
There are various communities where you can enjoy your hobbies together
(Board games, mahjong club, drinking club, sports club, technical exchange meeting, etc.)
We hold a return to the office day once a month
(Currently held online once every two months due to COVID-19)

2. There is an environment where you can ask questions
Even if you are in a different field or working remotely, there is an environment where you can ask questions!
・An internal SNS "channel where you can ask technical questions very casually" has been opened
・The presence of unit leaders
・Close cooperation with sales representatives

If you are even slightly interested or there is a system that interests you,
let's talk in the form of a "casual interview" first!

B-oriented services, C-oriented services

Work environment
No transfers

Application requirements
◇If you have at least one year of engineering experience, you're good to go!

Phase and language don't matter.

*Working in Japan is required. We are currently not accepting applications from people living overseas.

*Work patterns vary depending on the project, so we are currently not accepting applications for full remote work.

Required years of experience (job type)

1 year or more
IT engineer [System development/SE/Infrastructure] / Web/Open system SE [Application design]

*Experience in this job type is required to apply

Required years of experience (industry)

1 year or more
*Experience in this industry is required to apply

Monthly salary 260,000 yen to 340,000 yen
Annual salary 3.5 million yen to 4.5 million yen

Additional information on salary conditions
*Annual salary will be determined based on previous employment, experience, and ability.
*Assumed overtime pay associated with the above basic salary: 45 hours (including approx. 60,000 yen to approx. 80,000 yen)

■Raise twice a year



Stock options
Bonus details
■Year-end bonus

Work location
Saitama Prefecture

Work location details
[Work location details] Project location in the Tokyo metropolitan area

[Head office] Ichigo Nanpeidai Building 5F, 1-10 Nanpeidai-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
[Access] From the west exit of Shibuya Station on the JR and Tokyu lines 7 minutes walk from Shinsen Station on the Keio Inokashira Line

Work style
Full-time work at client's office

Possibility of transfer
None for the time being
Work hours

Average monthly overtime hours
Details of average monthly overtime hours
Various allowances
■Overseas travel allowance 10,000 yen
*Can be used once per fiscal year (April-March)
■Homecoming support allowance: Company pays half of round-trip transportation costs *Only if it exceeds 5,000 yen

Details of employee benefits
Complete social insurance, health check

Other employee benefits and allowances
■Subsidy for use of various rehabilitation facilities
■Health check: Company pays full amount *Only half of options are paid
■Book purchase/rental system *No limit on number of times or amount
■Enjoy freshly cooked rice system
*This is a system that allows you to eat hot rice cooked for lunch as much as you like!
(Head office: not implemented due to remote work at the moment)
...and more!!!

Many of these systems were proposed and adopted by employees themselves.
There are plenty of ideas to help engineers work with enthusiasm!
*Some holidays may not be available due to COVID-19

Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays off

Holiday details
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays off

Vacation system
Summer vacation, New Year's holiday, special leave, paid vacation, special leave, maternity leave, and childcare leave

Other holidays
■Summer vacation 3 days
■Positive vacation 1 month to 12 months *Leave system that can be taken in 1-month increments
■New Year's vacation 12/30 to 1/3

Trial period
Trial period details
3 months
There is no difference in salary and benefits during that time

Number of employees

Selection flow
◇First interview
Held online

◆Second interview

◇Final interview
Only to confirm conditions

People with a high possibility of being accepted
【 Welcome conditions 】
◆People who like the job of an engineer
◇People with a strong spirit of adventure
◆People who want to improve their skills in web and open systems
◇People who are interested in new technologies and want to constantly improve themselves

Recruitment background
Recruiting additional staff