
Bridge SE/China offshore development/Japanese N1 required
Annual income: 5 million to 7 million yen
Type: Bridge SE
■Resume and work history written in Japanese are required.
■We are an employment agency.
■Japanese N1 required.
■Chinese daily conversation level

Employment type
Full-time employee (unlimited contract)

Job description
Focusing on large-scale projects from major clients, we handle everything from upstream processes such as requirements definition and basic design to development, testing, and operation and maintenance work, and have earned high praise and continue to grow steadily.

■Project examples
Customer package product development and package implementation projects for web and business systems, etc.
-Development and implementation of POS systems
-Development and implementation of accounting, HR and payroll systems
-Development of reservation management systems, etc.

■Job overview:
As a bridge SE for our company, which conducts offshore development based in Japan and China, You will decide the specifications with the customer and work with the offshore team on the content decided upon. You will be in charge of progress management, specification explanation, system quality checks and team management.

Example of flow: Understand the customer's specifications and share them with the offshore side (communicate via web conference, explain the specifications received from the customer, including QA exchanges), and the offshore side will take on the design to integration testing based on the shared information and deliver it.

■Job content:
・Requirements definition (meeting with the customer)
・Communicate specifications, review offshore deliverables such as design documents, QA exchanges, partial implementation
・Offshore Shore process management: progress management, quality control, issue management

Progress report

■Development environment
Language: Java/C#/PHP/TypeScript
DB: Oracle/Postgres/SQLServer
OS: iOS/Android
Framework/Other: Spring/.Net/Vue.js/AngularJS

■Rewarding and attractiveness of this position

・You can be involved in large-scale projects that are continuously received from major clients.

・Since we have a highly skilled team of members, young people can learn skills through OJT. You can improve your work experience by working at a client's company.

■Career path
・Currently, there are some on-site positions at client's offices, but the ratio of contracted projects is high, and we plan to expand direct contracted projects in the future, so you will be involved in upstream work such as proposing to clients, negotiating, and defining requirements.

Application requirements
・Daily conversation level in Chinese
※Even if you cannot speak fluently, it is not a problem as long as you are willing to study. However, you must be able to understand technical terms in web and business systems to a certain extent.

Required years of experience (job type)
3 years or more
IT engineer [system development, SE, infrastructure] / Web/Open Systems SE [Application Design]
*Experience in this job is required to apply

Required years of experience (industry)
Preferred conditions
・People who are positive about working with Chinese offshore bases (experienced people are welcome)
・Experience in proposing and negotiating with customers
・Experience with SIer (regardless of size)
・Experience in web programming

Monthly salary 410,000 yen to 580,000 yen
Annual salary 5 million yen to 7 million yen

Salary details
(Salary examples, etc.)
Annual salary 5,012,400 yen - 7,003,200 yen

Monthly salary: 417,700 yen to 583,600 yen
[Breakdown of monthly salary]
・Basic salary: 306,700 yen to 428,600 yen
・Fixed overtime payment (30 hours) or management/professional allowance: 111,000 yen and up 155,000 yen
*Will be determined based on previous annual salary/desired annual salary, experience/skills.
*Professional discretionary work system/supervisor (only applicable)
*Separate performance appraisal bonus (once a year)

Stock options
Bonus details

Work location

Possibility of transfer
Not for the time being
Working hours
・Scheduled working hours: 08:00 (60-minute break)

Average monthly overtime hours
Not specified

Average monthly overtime hours details
Various allowances
・Commuting expenses: Up to 50,000 yen/month
・Family allowance: 20,000 yen/month for spouse, 15,000 yen/month for each child
・Congratulatory money (lump sum) when qualification is obtained
・Congratulatory money for childbirth/marriage (lump sum)

Benefits details
ITS (Kanto IT Software Health Insurance Association)/Defined contribution pension (401K)/Employee stock ownership plan/Recreation facility/Safety call/ Referral incentives / Condition surveys / Free drinks / Self-medication / Long-term service awards / Qualification support system

■Education system/qualification support supplement
・e-learning (JMAM)
・Subsidy for exam fees, book purchases, and seminar fees
・Qualification support system
・In-house study sessions

■Other supplements
Benefits of joining the Kanto IT Software Health Insurance Association
(Additional benefits system/Sports gym, golf course, and campground preferential treatment system/Recreational facilities and restaurant preferential treatment system/Travel discount subsidy system/Leisure facility preferential treatment system/Various health promotion programs, various club activities)

Saturdays and Sundays off

Holiday details
・2 days off per week (Saturdays and Sundays)
・ Holidays
・ Annual paid holidays 10 to 20 days (1 day granted for 6 months from the first month of employment + 4 days granted in the 7th month for a total of 10 days)
・ Summer holidays (3 days)
・ Year-end and New Year holidays
・Special holidays
・Compensatory holidays
・Child care leave
・Nursing care leave
・ Maternity leave
・ Childcare leave
・ Nursing care leave
・Personal sick leave

Probationary period
Probationary period details
Probationary period 3 months
*Maximum 6 months, no change in conditions during probationary period

Number of employees

Selection flow
■Selection flow
Document screening>First interview>Final interview>Offer
*No aptitude test
*All can be conducted online. If the applicant wishes to visit the company, face-to-face interviews are also possible
*Depending on the selection speed of other companies, we can consider shortening the flow by having only one interview

When applying, please submit a resume (with photo attached) and work history

Recruitment background
To strengthen the organization due to business expansion
With the number of cases increasing, there is a shortage of engineers who are candidates for bridge SE and PM at the Chinese base, and although existing young engineers have been trained within the company, it is necessary to further increase the number of mid- to young-level engineers in the medium to long term

Measures to prevent passive smoking
No smoking indoors