
* Human Resources Development * System Development Engineer
Annual salary 3.2 million to 5 million Million yen
Type: IT Engineer [System Development] / Web/Open System Programmer [PG]
■Resume and work history written in Japanese are required.
■We are an employment agency.
■Japanese N2 level required
・Approximately 1.5 years of experience in web development (any language, but JAVA, PHP, React, or JavaScript would be better)
・Experience with frameworks
・Ambition is desirable

Employment type
Full-time employee (unlimited contract)

Job description
Personal Cross Technology was established on January 1, 2023, and aims to solve social issues by improving the productivity of people and organizations, pursuing diverse ways for engineers to work, and bringing about change in the way we work.

In the fields of research and development and manufacturing, we provide model-based development (MBD) for the design, development, and testing of automobiles, aerospace-related equipment, home appliances, and robots, and in the IT field, we provide system development, infrastructure design, evaluation and verification work, etc. for a wide range of industries, mainly in the fields of information and communications, IT/Internet, and EC. In addition, we are actively working on utilizing the latest technologies such as RPA, IoT, UWB, drones, and security, which have seen increasing demand in recent years.

In addition, in order to develop human resources who can be active as engineers for life, Personal Cross Technology conducts various training programs based on the latest technological trends. In the fields of research and development, manufacturing, and IT, we have prepared a variety of educational environments, such as group training, e-learning training, and training that incorporates remote learning, so that all engineers can be active with the latest and best technologies. In addition, the training includes "technical skills training" aimed at improving expertise and "business skills training" to improve abilities as a working member of society, and we are committed to nurturing engineers who have not only technical skills but also human skills and communication skills.

~Realizing your ideal career/in-house development with modern technology~

■Recruitment background

In conjunction with the merger of group companies in 2023,

We are looking for members to work with us to strengthen our contracted areas!

■Job description:

You will participate in a web application construction project for a major travel and food service industry.

This is a project with a culture of actively incorporating new technologies in the development of large-scale web applications that everyone knows.

You will be responsible for the processes from design to manufacturing to system testing to operation.

Since we have a solid training system in place, it is a very good environment for those who want to improve their technical skills as well as those who want to become PLs and PMs.

Project structure: 5 PLs, about 15 to 20 members.

└There is a lot of communication.

After training, remote work will be the main focus.

Depending on the work content, there is also a planned response to coming to the office.

*Depending on the level of job acquisition, senior employees may come to the office with employees and provide offline support.

Promotional points
- 80% of employees are mid-career recruits, and people with a wide variety of backgrounds, including foreign nationals, are active in the company. We operate an organization that values ​​diversity.
- There are many mechanisms for engineers to connect with each other, such as communication through an internal SNS shared by all employees, revitalization of remote communication, and social gatherings for new recruits.
- There are a total of 295 training courses, including technology, business, and languages, providing plenty of opportunities to learn. We also have a system that supports self-improvement expenses up to a maximum of 100,000 yen.
- There are 224 clubs within the company (a variety of clubs ranging from sports to culture and unusual clubs), and active exchanges between group companies are also conducted, allowing you to meet colleagues with the same hobbies.
- Technical environment: Front-end is react, Java, Spring, Oracle, and various other small things.
・Overtime: Approximately 10 to 20 hours
・Average age: Mid to late 30s
・Remote work possible

Application requirements
■Required requirements:
・Approximately 1.5 years of experience in web development (any language, but JAVA, PHP, React, or JavaScript would be better)
・Experience with frameworks
・Ambition is important

Required years of experience (job type)
Required years of experience (industry type)
Welcome conditions
■Welcome conditions:
・Knowledge of productivity and quality
・Able to build the environment necessary for development
・Spare no effort to acquire knowledge of new technologies
・Experience in agile and scrum development, as well as waterfall development
・Experience in common platform development
・Knowledge of infrastructure (cloud) would be even better

Monthly salary 240,000 to 330,000 yen
Annual salary 3.2 million to 5 million Million yen

Salary details
(Salary examples, etc.)
Monthly salary system

Annual salary example
■Expected annual salary: 3.2 million to 5 million yen
■Monthly salary: 240,000 to 330,000 yen
*Determined according to our company regulations after taking into consideration experience and age.
*Excess overtime will be paid separately in 1-minute increments.

Additional information on salary conditions
*Full transportation expenses paid

[Salary structure]
"Basic salary" + "regional allowance" = "monthly salary"
*Closing at the end of the month → paid on the 25th of the month
*No change in basic salary during the 3-month trial period

Stock options
Bonus details
Number of bonuses per year
2 times


Workplace details
Tokyo metropolitan area (Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, Tochigi, Chiba, Gunma)
*Assignment will be decided based on the individual's preference.

Work style

Full-time work at client's office

Additional information on work location and hours

*Depends on assignment.

*Average overtime hours per month is 15.8 hours.

Possibility of transfer
None for the time being
Working hours

Average monthly overtime hours
Overtime 20 hours or less

Details of average monthly overtime hours
20 hours or less

Various allowances
Details of employee benefits
Social insurance, transportation expenses, health check, qualification acquisition system

Other employee benefits and allowances
◆Salary increase available
◆Bonus twice a year
◆Various technical support
◆Employee savings system
◆Defined contribution pension, etc.

Additional information on employee benefits and allowances
・Career support program for employees "Cando"
"I want to be independent! I want to study abroad! I want to improve myself! We will support various self-realization expenses up to 1 million yen per year.

・Growth support program for engineers "CandoLight"
We support up to 100,000 yen per year for various processes to improve your skills (books, schools, taking courses, etc.), such as learning necessary for the work you are doing and acquiring the skills you want to challenge.

・Qualification acquisition support system
For those who apply and take the exam for approximately 275 types of qualifications, there is a system that pays the cost of taking the exam and incentives if they pass.

・Innovation constitution strengthening program "Drit"
This is a new business creation program for individuals who want to become independent and start a business. It is an open recruitment system that accompanies you from the proposal stage, provides feedback and support, and backs up your business.

We have many services that have been commercialized so far! We also provide business verification budgets and resource support necessary for business launch.

Weekends off

Holiday details
Annual holidays

Weekends off on holidays

Vacation system
Year-end and New Year's holidays, special holidays, special leave, maternity leave and childcare leave, paid leave, nursing care leave

Other holidays
Flexible holidays (3 days/year)

Additional information on holidays
100% maternity and childcare leave acquisition rate

Trial period
Trial period details
3 months
There are no changes to employment type or salary during the trial period.

Number of employees

Selection process
■Selection process: Document screening → 1st interview → 2nd interview → Job offer → (offer interview) → Confirmed employment
┗Number of interviews: 2
*Depending on the situation, 1st and 2nd interviews can be conducted on the same day (1 day)

People with a high chance of being hired
■Increase in the number of people we are looking for
People who can work together to create an organization that can make proposals to support our customers' businesses in a team structure to meet their needs

Recruitment background
Recruiting additional staff