
Cloud system design and construction (AWS, Azure, GCP)
Annual salary 4.5 million yen to 8 million yen million yen
Type: IT Engineer [System Development, SE, Infrastructure]
■Resume and work history written in Japanese are required.
■We are an employment agency.
■Business level Japanese required
■Essential skills
★People who want to do both cloud and development are welcome!
・Experience designing and building cloud systems (IaaS/PaaS) using AWS, Azure, or GCP
・2+ years of development experience (regardless of work experience and language)
・Experience with SQL or NoSQL

Employment type
Full-time employee (indefinite contract)

Job description
■Division policy
DX Technology Headquarters is a division specializing in IT solutions.
With the mission of "maximizing human value through the power of technology and creating new business," we are responsible for supporting our customers' DX and resolving problems by combining technology and service methods.
We are engaged in businesses including contract development, co-creation development, and in-house product development.

■Job description
[Based on your current residence and preferences, you will be assigned to either Tokyo, Aichi, Osaka, Awaji, Shimane, or Fukuoka. Currently, most of the work is remote.]

You will be tasked with supporting the expansion of customer businesses and resolving problems using cloud technology.
Although the team is centered on cloud technology, we also develop parts related to the cloud, such as web system backends.

■Job details:
・Design and development of cloud systems
・Maintenance and operation of cloud systems that have been designed and constructed
・Proposals and estimates to clients
・Project management

■Project examples:
・Design and construction of cloud infrastructure for our own services
・Design and construction/development/maintenance and operation of web systems for commercial services for customers
・Cloud migration of aging on-premise systems
▼Project interview article

■Career path examples
・Generalist based on experience in team management and member training
・Full-stack engineer who can handle both cloud and development
※Because of the one-stop system, it is also possible to accumulate experience as an architect in other upstream processes and cloud native technology fields.

【Direction to aim for】
▼Cloud native
Currently, we are focusing on Amazon AWS and Microsft Azure, and mainly work on the projects listed in the example above, but the appeal of working at our company is that we can take on various challenges, such as building new cloud solutions and planning new businesses according to market trends and demand.
If you agree with our vision of "solving social issues through the cloud" and "maximizing the value of cloud engineers," please apply.

■About the post-employment education system and project assignments
When you join the company, we will first interview you about your strengths and the technologies you want to work on, and then decide what projects you will be involved in.
We consider your motivation and wishes regardless of seniority, and also decide which projects you will be assigned to, with an emphasis on whether they will lead to your growth.

■An environment where you can continue to learn
・Team study sessions: Hands-on AWS technology, latest information, etc. study sessions (once a month)
・We have a wide range of original training content and external courses on technical and business skills, including online team study sessions using Udemy, etc.
You can learn a wide range of fields, including development skills, project management, product design, AI, data science, and more.
In addition, engineers can interact with each other and study sessions are held across teams using Slack and oVice.
We also have a system in place that allows you to take on career challenges in your desired field, such as the "Challenge Position System" that is open to internal recruitment.

PR Points

All technical field teams belong to one business division, and remote teams are formed nationwide to advance projects.
You can challenge your desired field without transferring or changing jobs.
We have flexible team composition according to the phase and technology of the project, so you can gain technical experience and horizontal skills regardless of your residential area, and we also realize career rotation.
If you find a social issue that you want to solve, we welcome you to develop a plan and propose it as a business service.
Expand your possibilities while competing with colleagues nationwide.

We have established a wide range of internal systems, such as the use of telecommuting, the use of web tools, the promotion of maternity and childcare leave, and leave of absence for self-realization (Dreams Come True system), and we continue to reform in order to create a work environment that is necessary for the future. (Average overtime hours 17j/100% maternity and childcare leave taken)
In fact, there are many engineers who are active while cherishing time with their children and families.

About "Philosophy and Vision"
▼▼Using the power of people and technology to solve problems to "make the most of people"▼▼

Since its founding in 1976, Pasona Inc. has continued to challenge itself with the unchanging corporate philosophy of "solving social problems" to realize a society where all people who want to work can work with enthusiasm.

Currently, we are not limited to human resources services, but are creating infrastructure in various fields to envision a rich life, such as realizing new ways of working, globalization, and regional revitalization.

~Focus area~
From October 2022, we have an IT solutions division through a merger with Pasona Tech Inc., and are working to solve problems to "make the most of people" by co-creating with not only group companies but also client companies, as well as developing our own services.
We are focusing on creating new value and improving business processes by using technologies such as AI and cloud, including system/app development, to solve corporate and regional issues with technology, such as X-TECH, metaverse, and smart cities.


~What Pasona can achieve~

◆There are projects that can be undertaken precisely because we are a diversified company

・Based on our philosophy, we can plan and develop new services and solutions to social and local issues that we feel are important, and provide new value to the market.

(Achievements: Disaster prevention help service, LINE attendance management system for daycare centers, BssS operation system for Awaji Island, etc.)

・We deal with a wide range of industries, including local governments, transportation, manufacturing, communications, real estate, construction, and medical care. As a prime partner and co-creation partner, we can promote projects with major companies ourselves.

◆Experience can be accumulated in technical fields and fields that will be needed in the future

・DX promotion, digital twin utilization, super cities, regional revitalization, etc.

The company's focus is on creating the future. Through projects, you can absorb technology and gain experience in growth areas.

・There are many projects that contribute to society, so you can give back to others your career/experience.

・Solutions are provided in collaboration with members from all over the country, so you can experience the entire process from service planning to implementation. There is an environment where you can directly communicate with users and make improvements yourself.

About "Working people and company culture"
-About the work environment and culture-
◆There is a company culture and system that supports "self-realization" and you can take on challenges.
We consider your motivation and hopes and assign projects with the perspective of "will it lead to growth?".
In addition, our company culture places importance on learning, such as technical study sessions and seminars.
As a company, we also focus on training DX talent.
We are working to expand the career possibilities of each employee.

◆Emphasis on communication
We use tools such as Slack, Teams, and oVice to create an environment where it is easy to talk in a team.

◆Comfortable working environment
100% of employees take maternity leave and childcare leave!
We have an environment that is easy to return to and work in, regardless of their life plan.

◆Open position system
Because we value the idea of ​​"creating your own career,"
we have a system that allows each individual to challenge themselves toward the career they envision.

C-oriented services, B-oriented services, eager to develop new businesses (business diversification)

People who work with us
Mostly in their 20s, Mostly in their 30s, Mostly male

Most active people (passion type), collaborative environment (totalitarian/project-based)

Work environment
Over 120 days off per year, remote work OK, side jobs OK

Application requirements
■Essential skills
★People who want to do both cloud and development are welcome!
・Experience designing and building cloud systems (IaaS/PaaS) using AWS, Azure, or GCP
・2+ years of development experience (regardless of work experience and language)
・Experience with SQL or NoSQL

Required years of experience (job type)
Required years of experience (industry)
Preferred conditions
Monthly salary 230,000 yen to 400,000 yen
Annual salary 4.5 million yen to 8 million yen million yen

Salary details
(Salary examples, etc.)
Monthly salary system

Annual salary examples
(Annual salary examples)
■Annual salary 4.5 million (240,000/month + bonus, etc.) (member)
■Annual salary 5.5 million (300,000/month + bonus, etc.) (project leader)
■Annual salary 6.5 million (370,000/month + bonus, etc.) (project manager)
■Annual salary 7.3 million (500,000/month + bonus, etc.) (service manager)

Additional information on salary conditions
Base salary 230,000 yen or more + various allowances (position allowance, role allowance, sales allowance, overtime allowance, etc.)
*Will be determined according to our company regulations, taking into consideration experience and ability

■Bonus twice a year (June, December)
■Probationary period: 3 months *Working conditions are the same as for regular employment.



Stock options
Bonus details
Number of bonuses per year

2 times

Work location

Work location details
Sapporo, Tokyo, Aichi, Osaka, Hyogo (Awaji Island), Fukuoka, Shimane (all in our lab)
*Your department will be determined based on your current address.
*Currently mostly teleworking.
*Depending on the project, work may also occur within our client companies.
*There is a nationwide transfer system, but transfers are rare.

Work style
In-house work

Possibility of transfer
None for the time being
Work hours

Night shifts

Additional information on work location and work hours
9:00~17:30, break 12:00~13:00 (7.5 hours of actual work)
*If the work location is a client company (a dispatching company or a contracted project location), this may change
*Last year's average overtime hours were 15.5 hours/month

Monthly average overtime hours
Less than 20 hours overtime

Details of monthly average overtime hours
Less than 20 hours

Various allowances
Details of employee benefits
Social insurance, position allowance, transportation allowance, health check, retirement allowance system, stock ownership plan system, Qualification acquisition system

Other employee benefits and allowances
■Complete social insurance (employment, industrial accident, health, nursing care, welfare pension)
■Position allowance, role allowance, job allowance
■Overtime allowance, night work allowance, statutory holiday work allowance
■Commuting allowance, other allowances ※Various allowances are provided according to each individual's role and situation
■Regular health check (once a year)
■Award system (once a year)
■Safety net (various free consultation services/24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
■Employee benefits outsourcing Benefit One
■Cafeteria points worth 120,000 to 180,000 yen per year
■Stockholding association, accumulated savings, asset accumulation system, retirement allowance system
■Life support course usage system (work style with limited time and place)
■Dreams Come True system (system to support the realization of your dreams)
■DO・CO・DE・MO work style system (Work from home)
■Handling various insurance groups
■Support for improving skills (various training systems, qualification support systems)


Holiday details
Annual holidays

Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays off

Vacation system
Year-end and New Year's holidays, paid holidays, special holidays, maternity and childcare leave, Nursing care leave

Other holidays

■2 days off per week (Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) *May change if the place of employment is a client company
■Year-end and New Year holidays
■Annual paid leave
■Marriage leave
■Beardiere leave
■Special leave for jurors
■Accident leave
■Assignment leave
■Maternity leave (100% taken)
■Childcare leave (100% taken by women/45% taken by men)
■Nursing care leave (proven)
■Nursing leave
■Challenge leave (1 week of special leave for every 5 years of service)
*May change if the place of employment is a client company (dispatch company or place of contract work)

■HAPPY HOLIDAY leave (maximum 9 consecutive days off including Saturdays and Sundays)
■MY DAY leave (month of birthday)
■My Care Day (health check-up day)

Additional information on holidays
Annual paid leave and special leave are available after the probationary period has elapsed.