
Technical staff (with limited experience in the manufacturing field or in the relevant field)/Japanese N1 required.
Annual income: 3 million to 4.5 million yen
Type: engineer
■Resume and work history written in Japanese are required.
■We are an employment agency.
■Japanese N1 required.

Employment type
Full-time employee (unlimited contract)

Job description
[Job description]
〇We will take into consideration your aptitude and desires and propose a workplace where you can grow as an engineer. For example, we are considering assigning you to the following positions.
・Manufacturing technology process development
・Mechanical design and development engineer
・Electrical design and development engineer
・Software engineer
・Chemical/bio-related engineer
※The process from joining the company to assignment: Joining the company → Confirming direction and interview → Visiting the workplace → Assignment decision We will match you with your desired technical field/job content.
※We have many large companies accepting you, and you can receive training at the accepting company.
※There are 600 projects at any one time, so we should be able to fulfill your wishes and interests.

PR points
[Attractiveness of the company, department, and job]
・There are opportunities to be involved in various fields, products/services, and technologies.
・Three career plans are available for you to build your career in the future: specialist, management, and major manufacturer.
・You will start with a basic training on company rules and how to work, and we will continue to support you in improving your skills through a wide range of skill training so that you can advance to your desired field.

・We also provide comprehensive counseling services, career support, and qualification support, so you can build a solid career according to your age and experience.

Application requirements
[MUST] Those who meet the following criteria.

・Any educational background, regardless of science or humanities background.

*The target is humanities students. Of course, science students are also welcome.

・Any field, but those with some experience in manufacturing.
*Food manufacturing, etc. are also OK. We are targeting a fairly wide range of people.

Required years of experience (job type)
No experience required
Skilled worker/equipment/transportation/transportation/factory production/manufacturing [transportation equipment/home appliances/electronic equipment]
*Experience in this job type is not required to apply

Required years of experience (industry)
No experience required
Human resources services/outsourcing industry/call center/outsourcing
*Experience in this job type is not required to apply

Other required experience
None (completely inexperienced OK)
Welcome conditions
[Desired personality]
- Those who are motivated to grow as engineers
- Those who want to be involved in manufacturing but don't know which company or job type is best.
- Those who want to utilize what they have learned but don't know how to utilize it.
- Those who want to acquire skills that will be useful for the future.
- Those who are not bothered by learning new technologies and information.
- Those who can blend in and work cooperatively with their assigned department or team.

* Foreign nationals must have Japanese language ability equivalent to [N1].
This position is open to those who can converse at a native level.

Monthly salary: 200,000 to 300,000 yen
Annual salary: 3,000,000 to 4,500,000 yen

Salary details
(Salary examples, etc.)
Monthly salary system

Additional information regarding salary conditions
*Will be determined based on experience, ability, and previous salary.
・Salary increase: once a year

Stock options
Bonus details
Number of bonuses per year

Work location

Work location details
・Project locations in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, Ibaraki, Chiba, Tochigi, Gunma, Shizuoka, Mie, Aichi, Gifu, Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo, Wakayama, Nara, Shiga, Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, and Kyushu (excluding Okinawa)

Work style
Full-time work at client's office

Possibility of transfer
None for the time being
Work hours

Average monthly overtime hours
Overtime less than 30 hours

Details of average monthly overtime hours
30 hours or less

Various allowances
Details of employee benefits
Social insurance provided, transportation expenses provided, company housing/dormitories, housing allowance, retirement benefits system, Qualification acquisition system

Other benefits and allowances
- Overtime allowance, dependent allowance, assignment allowance, homecoming travel allowance, commuting expenses, position allowance
- Retirement allowance, congratulatory and condolence allowance
- Company dormitory system: Rented company housing available. Half the rent will be paid.
・Qualification acquisition bonus system, qualification exam fee subsidy system


Holiday details
Annual holidays


Vacation system
Celebration and condolence leave, paid leave, special leave, summer vacation, year-end and New Year holidays

Other holidays
・2 days off per week, public holidays (based on client's calendar)

Trial period
Trial period details
6 months

Number of employees

Selection flow
・Document screening → Interview (basically 1 time) → Offer of employment
※Written test: None

Passive smoking prevention measures
Whether or not passive smoking measures are in place indoors at the workplace
Measures in place

Passive smoking prevention measures details (Smoking is prohibited if there is a smoking area outdoors)
Smoking is prohibited

Special notes regarding passive smoking prevention indoors
Passive smoking prevention measures: Smoking is prohibited at the head office and all bases within our company. The dispatch destination will follow this rule, but since the dispatch destination is a large company, please consider it non-smoking.

Background of recruitment
Further organizational strengthening

People with a high probability of receiving a job offer
・People who have a strong desire to become technical staff
・People with a clear career vision as technical staff