
PM, PMO: Ready-to-use
Annual salary 5 million to 10 million yen Million yen
Type: IT Engineer / Web/Open System Project Manager [PM], Leader [PL]
■Resume and work history written in Japanese are required.
■We are an employment agency.
■Japanese native level required.
- Experience in test planning, design, and management.
- Able to manage and give instructions competently as a leader or sub-leader.
- Experience coordinating specifications and schedules with customers.
- Extensive knowledge required for negotiating with customers.

Employment type
Full-time employee (unlimited contract)

Job description
◆Software quality assurance, PM work for testing business

As a quality assurance project manager, you will be responsible for formulating and building test strategies, project management, test design, and result analysis for various projects.

≪Project examples≫
■Business system development
◎Insurance company call center system (200 man-months)
◎Equipment vendor DynamicsCRM implementation support
◎RPA implementation support service
◎Major leasing company, new financial accounting system construction (1,000 man-months) and more

■Mobile application development
◎Development of apps in various genres, including government agencies, finance, communications, manufacturing, entertainment, and more.

PR points
[Attractiveness of this job]
・You can acquire skills in a stable environment and build a career that matches your goals.
・Various plans are available for career paths, such as career advancement as an expert or career change to a person with high social needs, depending on the individual's wishes, and a career advisor will support you in realizing your desired career plan.

About "Philosophy and Vision"

-We at Outsourcing Technology are a professional group with highly skilled engineers in both the fields of "things (mechanical and electrical)" and "IT".

-To maintain cutting-edge "technology", the imagination and efforts of "people" are essential, and "technological innovation" is closely related to "people's growth".

-We value engineers as "people", and we are also focusing on educational projects so that engineers can fully utilize their abilities, and we have established a platform where engineers can grow. In the soft field of ideas, planning, design, etc., we will bring joy, surprise, and enrichment to people from Japan and the world, and contribute to the creation of new value and the realization of a sustainable society.

Application Requirements

-Experience in test planning, design, and management.

-Able to give appropriate management and instructions as a leader or sub-leader.

-Experience in coordinating specifications and schedules with customers.

-Able to negotiate with customers.

[Desired personality]

-Able to think things logically and explain things to others.
・Those who want stable, long-term employment.

・Those who want to pursue technical skills and try their hand at management.

・Those who want to increase their annual income and work for a company with generous benefits.

・Those who want to try new technologies and work for a company with a solid education system.

Required years of experience (job type)
Required years of experience (industry)
Welcome conditions
・Experience leading a team of 5 to 10 people
・Experience training members
・Experience designing and building development environments

Monthly salary 300,000 to 600,000 yen
Annual salary 5 million to 10 million yen Million yen

Salary details
(Salary examples, etc.)
Monthly salary system

Annual salary examples
[Annual salary examples]
- Annual salary: 4.5 million yen (30 years old / 8 years of experience)
- Annual salary: 5 million yen (35 years old / 13 years of experience)
- Annual salary: 6 million yen (40 years old / 18 years of experience)
- Annual salary: 7 million yen (45 years old / 23 years of experience)

Additional information on salary conditions
[Salary increase] Salary revision: once a year (April)

Stock options
Bonus details
Number of bonuses per year
2 times

Work location

Work location details
- All offices nationwide
* Maximum consideration given to desired work location.
* U-turn and I-turn welcome. *Transfers: Depending on the situation, there is a possibility of being transferred to a neighboring area.

Work style
Full-time work at client's office

Possibility of transfers
None for the time being
Work hours

Average monthly overtime hours
Overtime less than 10 hours

Details of average monthly overtime hours
Less than 10 hours

Various allowances
Details of welfare benefits
Social insurance, transportation expenses, housing allowance, family allowance, qualification allowance, company housing/dormitories

Other welfare benefits/various allowances
- Overtime allowance, holiday allowance, night allowance, relocation allowance, etc.

* Overtime allowances are paid in full in 1-minute increments.

・Defined contribution pension plan (401k)
・Childcare/nursing leave system
・Moving assistance, dormitory/company housing system
・Motivation support, mental health check, career planning support
・Affiliated recreational facilities
・Qualification acquisition support system (exam fee coverage, gift money)
・KEN School discount
・Technical book purchase assistance
・Condolence/condolence payment system

Saturdays and Sundays off

Holiday details
Annual holidays

Saturdays, Sundays and holidays off

Vacation system
New Year's holiday, Golden Week holiday, summer holiday, congratulatory/condolence leave, maternity/childcare leave, paid leave, nursing leave

Other holidays
*May vary depending on assignment.

Probationary period
Probationary period details
3 months (same conditions)

Number of employees

Selection flow
- Document screening ⇒ Interview (2 times) + Aptitude test (scouter) ⇒ Offer
※Application documents: resume, work history
※Exams and tests:
※Interview locations: Bases in each area
※Interviewers: First (recruitment manager in each area), second (manager)
※Interview format: First (face-to-face, online), second (face-to-face, online)

Measures to prevent passive smoking
Whether or not passive smoking measures are in place indoors at the workplace
Measures in place

Details of passive smoking measures (non-smoking is prohibited if there is a smoking area outdoors)

Recruitment background
Further organizational strengthening

People with a high chance of being offered a job
People who meet the conditions of [WANT] and [Desired personality]