
Android Engineer (Tokyo)
Annual income: 4 million to 8 million yen
Type: IT Engineer [Application Design]
■Resume and work history written in Japanese are required.
■We are an employment agency.
■Japanese business level required.

Employment status
Full-time employee (indefinite contract)

Job description
Design and develop apps for smart devices. Development fields are diverse, including learning and education, e-commerce, and point cards.

We study new technical information that frequently appears, and share knowledge closely with the team so that knowledge gained from developing services in different industries can be utilized.

・Development of apps for Android
・UI design, UX proposals
・Design and review of back-end systems for smartphone apps
・Planning proposals, requirements definition, operation verification, technical research

[Development environment]
Main language: Kotlin
CI/CI: CircleCI
Infrastructure: AWS/GCP
Code management: GitHub (GitHub Actions)
Environment: mac OS, Windows, Android Studio or VS code, dual display
Project management: GitHub Projects, Redmine, JIRA, Backlog, etc.
Groupware: Google Workspace
Communication tools: Slack

Regarding "Working people and company culture"
Remote work not allowed

B-to-B services, C-to-C services, eager to develop new businesses (business diversification)

Work environment
Over 120 days of holiday per year, no transfers

Application requirements
・Application development using Kotlin
・Japanese language at or above daily conversation level

Required years of experience (job type)
Required years of experience (industry)
Welcome conditions
Monthly salary
Annual salary 4 million yen to 8 million yen Million yen

Salary details
(Salary examples, etc.)
Annual salary system

Salary and remuneration
Stock options
Bonus details
Number of annual bonuses
Performance bonus
Semi-annual settlement bonus

Work location

Work location details
Ogawamachi Shinko Building, 2-12 Kanda Ogawamachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
■1 minute walk from Ogawamachi Station, B5 exit, Toei Subway Shinjuku Line
■1 minute walk from Shin-Ochanomizu Station, B3 exit, Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line
■Awajicho, Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line 1 minute walk from B5 exit

Work style
In-house work

Additional information on work location and working hours
Professional discretionary work system (8 hours per day)
Recommended hours: 10:00-19:00

Possibility of transfer
Working hours

Night shifts

Night shifts

Average monthly overtime hours
Details of average monthly overtime hours
Various allowances
Details of employee benefits
Social insurance provided, transportation expenses provided, family allowance

Other employee benefits and allowances
・Partial transportation expenses provided (up to 20,000 yen per month)
・Salary increases at any time, Complete social insurance coverage
・Long service award (300, 500, 1000, 2000, 30000 yen for every 3, 5, 10, 20, 30 years)
・Family allowance (20,000 yen per month for first child, +5,000 yen per month for second and subsequent children)
・After-school social allowance (subsidy for sports involving 4 or more employees)
・Subsidy for kick-off and launch of each project, participation fee for study sessions and conferences (application required)

Saturdays and Sundays off

Holiday details
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays off

Vacation system
Year-end and New Year's holidays, summer holidays, maternity leave, childcare leave, paid leave

Trial period
Trial period details
Number of employees

Selection flow
People with high chance of being hired
・UI/UX design and proposal for apps for smart devices
・Experience building UI using Jetpack Compose
・Experience as a development leader or project leader
・Experience developing smartphone apps using Flutter
・Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile development experience
・Experience developing smartphone apps using Unity
・Experience developing backend systems using services such as AWS/GCP
・Experience releasing to Google Play
・Experience developing in a team
・UI/Unit Testing

Recruitment background
Further organizational strengthening, recruiting additional staff

Passive smoking prevention measures
Whether or not passive smoking measures are in place indoors at the workplace
Measures in place

Details of passive smoking measures (Smoking is prohibited if there is an outdoor smoking area)
No smoking