
System Engineer
Annual salary 3,500,000 yen to 6,880,000 yen
Type: IT Engineer
■Resume and work history written in Japanese are required.
■We are an employment agency.
■Daily conversation level Japanese required.
・High school graduate or above
・Application development experience in PHP and Java

Employment type
Full-time employee (unlimited contract)
Job description
◤◢◤ What is JoBins? ◢◤◢
We develop and operate a job agent network platform that connects more than 2,600 recruitment agencies nationwide, and are the largest agent platform in Japan.

The two most important elements in running an agent business are:
1. Developing job listings
2. Attracting job seekers

We will revolutionize each of these.

In the field of "job listing development," we have equipped the company with a function called Job Alliance,
which allows agents to share job listings from recruiting companies with each other.
This makes it possible to recommend job seekers even for job listings in areas or occupations that the company has not been able to develop by itself.
A company in Osaka received a question: "I have to leave my current job to care for my parents.
Do you have any corporate sales positions with annual salaries of 5 million yen or more in Toyama Prefecture, where my parents live?"
However, A company, which only has job postings in the Kinki region, did not have any job postings of its own.
So, when A company checked JoBins, it found that there were multiple job postings in Toyama Prefecture shared by other agents
and was able to introduce them to the job seeker.

In the field of "job seeker attraction," a function called resume alliance has been added
which allows agents to share information about job seekers.
Until now, agents have turned down job seekers who they said "we cannot help you with your job search" due to differences between the industry, business, and region that the agent specializes in and the job seeker's wishes, but now they can pass them on to another reliable agent.
Agent D company, which specializes in the construction industry, received a consultation from a job seeker with experience in construction management who wanted to change jobs to become an IT engineer who can work from home.
Our company did not have any IT engineer job openings, but by using the resume alliance function, we found an agent who could support inexperienced IT engineers looking to change jobs and introduced the job to the job seeker.

◤◢◤ Mission ◢◤◢
Our mission is "2040, JANP to the world. An agent platform that will take the world by storm."

This means that by 2040, we will develop the Job Agent Network Platform (JANP) into a global network used by people around the world.

Currently, there are no JANP companies that represent the world, and the number of players is still small.

However, we believe that this network will have a major impact on global recruitment.

In order to achieve this, we plan to take various measures in the future.

In order to allow more agents to use our services better, we will entrust you with the development, operation, and maintenance of our in-house services.

The foundations of our existing services have already been established, but there are still many areas that need to be improved.

In order to make this service even better, please feel free to make suggestions from the engineering side, such as "This part should be done more like this!"

[Development environment]
◆Main programming language
Object-oriented PHP
◆Main framework
Laravel, Vue JS, React
Java, Javascript, HTML, CSS, bootstrap, node js, MySQL, MongoDB, AWS, Elastic Search, Redis, cronjobs, git, docker
Apache H2, Nginx

If you are even slightly interested,
please apply.

[Scope of work to be changed]
Scope of work as defined by the company

Application requirements
・High school graduate or above
・Application development experience in PHP and Java
・English proficiency above daily conversation level

◆ Must have excellent knowledge of OOP (Object Oriented Programming), Object Oriented Design, design patterns, and data structures
◆ Good knowledge of Web Technology (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and related toolsets)
◆ Good knowledge of Database Tools
◆ Strong background in Linux/Unix Administration
◆ Ability to use a wide variety of open-source technologies and cloud services (experience with AWS is required)
◆ Familiarity with Version Controlling tools (Subversion, GIT)
◆ Experienced with MySQL and NoSQL databases
◆ Experience in building RESTful Web Services
◆ Proven experience in software architecture design
◆ Working knowledge of relational databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL
◆ Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to analyze quantitatively, scope technical requirements, and prioritize deliverables

Required years of experience (job type)
3+ years
IT engineer [system development, SE, infrastructure] / Web and open project manager [PM], leader [PL]
*Experience in this job type is required to apply

Required years of experience (industry)
No experience in this industry OK
*Experience in this industry is not required to apply

Preferred conditions
preferences are given to the individuals having the following skills:
5+ years of work experience.
Has contributed to open source community.
Ability to speak Japanese.
Good understanding of web design.

Monthly salary 250,000 yen to 430,000 yen
Annual salary 3,500,000 yen to 6,880,000 yen

Salary details
(Example salary, etc.)
*We will determine your salary in your previous job, experience, etc. according to our company's ranking system.
*Overtime pay will be paid separately.

■Salary increase: 4 times a year

Stock options
Bonus details
4 times a year *Depending on performance and personnel evaluation

Osaka prefecture

Workplace details
3F Yotsubashi KM Building, 1-19-8 Kitahorie, Nishi-ku, Osaka, Osaka

Osaka Metro: Directly above Exit 4 of Nishiohashi Station on the Nagahori Tsurumi-ryokuchi Line
Osaka Metro: 3-minute walk from Exit 4 of Yotsubashi Station on the Yotsubashi Line

[Passive smoking prevention measures]
Smoking prohibited on the premises (smoking area set up outdoors)

[Range of change of place of work]
Locations designated by the company (including telework)

Possibility of transfer
None for the time being
Working hours
9:00-18:00 (1 hour break)

Average monthly overtime hours
Average monthly overtime hours details
26 hours

Various allowances
Full transportation expenses paid

Details of employee benefits
◤◢◤ A variety of unique systems! ◢◤◢
<Break Panda System>
A system that allows you to take a 10-minute break in addition to your lunch break. Each person can take up to three breaks per day!

<Scholarship Refund Support System>
For those who are currently repaying a scholarship, the company will cover the remaining balance in full!

・For 10-year repayment: Maximum 2 million yen
・For 15-year repayment: Maximum 3 million yen

<500Towns System>
A rent subsidy system for those who live close to the head office.
Applies to areas with more than 500!
・Within 1.5km of the head office: 30,000 yen per month (no transportation expenses provided)
・Within 1.5-3km of the head office: 15,000 yen per month (transport expenses provided)

<Osaka Relocation Support>
In order to create an environment where everyone can work comfortably, we will provide assistance with relocation expenses, etc., if you relocate near the Osaka head office!

<Working Environment>
Clothes and hairstyles are free, and nails are also OK! Express your individuality to the fullest!

All types of social insurance (health, employment, industrial accident, welfare pension)
Health check
Lending laptop and company mobile phone
Water server
Employee stock ownership plan
Stock options (system under design)
Cabinet Office babysitter dispatch business discount coupons available

Holiday details
◤◢◤ Weekly holiday ◢◤◢
2 days off per week (Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays off in principle)

◤◢◤ Vacation ◢◤◢
Year-end and New Year holidays, Golden Week holidays , summer vacation, paid vacation, special leave, maternity leave (taken), childcare leave (taken)

◤◢◤ Annual holidays ◢◤◢
126 days *including 5 days of encouraged paid leave

Trial period
Trial period details
No change in conditions during trial period (6 months)

Number of employees

Selection flow
Document screening → SPI → Interview (2-3 times) → Coding test → Reference check → Offer