
Sales Administration/Sales Assistant■Even if you have no experience you can give it a try!
Annual salary: 3.84 million yen to 4 million yen
Type: Sales Administration/Sales Assistant
■Resume and work history written in Japanese are required.
■We are an employment agency.

Employment type
Full-time employee (unlimited contract)
Job description
[Job summary]
As a member of the Net Learning Group, you will utilize a common platform to propose solutions to companies with the mission of "global human resource development".
With the strength of our in-house service of "global leader development" that does not simply improve English skills,
we will propose human resource development consulting and training plans while drawing out the issues and needs of our customers.
The goal is not to complete the training, but to measure the effectiveness of the training using assessments, etc. even after the training, and connect it to the next planning and deepen the relationship.

[Job details]
As experts in global leader development, we organize the issues of our client companies, identify their essence, clarify the image of the necessary human resources, and provide services to solve the issues together with our customers. As a member of the operations team, you will be involved in training planning and management and sales support while communicating with sales and other staff.

Specific duties (examples)
- Progress management of training projects
- Contacting students (corporate contract) and adjusting schedules
- General support for training operations, such as selecting instructors (mostly foreigners) and preparing teaching materials

[Required English skills]
You do not need to be fluent in business English, but you must be able to converse and interact smoothly with foreign employees.

└ Dealing with customers: Not required, as communication will be in Japanese.

Dealing with external instructors: Mainly sending and receiving emails in English.
Employee relations: As we have bilingual employees of foreign nationality, English skills above daily conversation are required.

Application requirements
・English skills above daily conversation
・Over 1 year of clerical experience
・Experience using Microsoft Office

Required years of experience (job type)
Over 1 year
Administrative/management / Sales administration, sales assistant
※Experience in this job type is required to apply

Required years of experience (industry)
No experience in this industry OK
Consulting/research industry, professional offices, auditing firms, tax accountant firms / business consultants, think tanks, consulting firms
※Experience in this industry is not required to apply

Welcome conditions
・Experience in schedule management and multitasking
・Corporate/individual sales experience or sales assistant experience

Monthly salary
Annual salary 3.84 million yen to 4 million yen Million yen

Salary details
(Salary examples, etc.)
Annual salary 3.84-4 million yen
Raise: twice a year
Monthly salary: 240,000 yen and up
Overtime allowance: paid in full
Stock options
Bonus details
Four times a year

Work location

Work location details
Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku
2 minutes walk from Seibu Shinjuku Station on the Seibu Shinjuku Line

Possibility of transfer
None for the time being
Working hours
60 minutes break

Average monthly overtime hours
Average monthly overtime hours details
5-10 hours

Various allowances
Benefits details
Rank allowance/Position allowance/Commuting allowance/Overtime allowance (paid in 1-minute increments)/Qualification acquisition subsidy system/Study book subsidy system/Free use of in-house e-learning service/Training upon joining the company/ Training by rank

Saturdays and Sundays off

Holiday details
Annual holidays: 125 days / Two days off per week (Saturdays and Sundays) / Maternity and childcare leave: System and track record (100% taken by both men and women) / National holidays, summer holidays (3 days between July and September) / New Year's holidays (12/29 to 1/3) / Annual paid leave / Special leave / Menstrual leave / Birthday leave / Infertility treatment leave / Refreshment leave (1 week off after 5 years of service, every 5 years thereafter) / Training leave (1 week off + 100,000 yen paid after 8 years of service, every 5 years thereafter) / Paid leave in 1 hour increments, days to go home at 5 o'clock (once a month on a Friday)

Trial period
Trial period details
3 months

Number of employees

Selection flow
Document screening → 1st interview + aptitude test → final interview + academic test

Smoking environment
No smoking on the premises