
[PL candidate] Remote work available
Annual income: 5 million to 8 million yen
Type: IT Engineer
■Resume and work history written in Japanese are required.
■We are an employment agency.
■Japanese N1 level required

Employment type
Full-time employee (unlimited contract)

Job description
*[Business description]*
DX promotion support with the main focus on consulting, SI, and operations in the omnichannel/OMO field

*[Clients/examples of projects]*

- Mainly companies with sales of tens of billions to 1 trillion yen, such as department stores and apparel

*[Job description (expected)]*
- System development for clients using our own products such as "EC ORANGE" and "ORANGE POS"
- In the upstream process, business design after analyzing the client's business and requests
- In the development process, overall project management including communication with development partners and control of delivery dates and quality

* After joining the company, you will be working on projects with our PMs and PLs for a while, and you will be able to learn about our products and how to proceed with projects.

*[Rewarding work as a PL at S-Cubism]*

・You can acquire high business design and project management skills in the speed of releasing a large-scale system with a budget of over 100 million yen in about one year.

・In particular, during the requirements definition phase, as a prime vendor, you can feel the wide range of concerns and issues of the client and make proposals to solve the essential issues rather than just taking orders.

・You can also use the knowledge gained from developing systems for customers to improve the product.

*[Development environment]*

・OS: Linux, Windows, Mac OS X

・Language: PHP (Laravel), TypeScript (Node.js), SQL


・Web server: Apache, Nginx

・Source control: Git

・Ticket system: JIRA, Backlog

・Cloud used for services: AWS, NIFCLOUD, Microsoft Azure

■Development track record

The S-Cubism Group has a track record of introducing products to over 1,000 companies in the past, and has a wealth of complex large-scale projects that go beyond simple EC development.

■ Examples of our track record

・Development and release of a reservation and payment system for member-only facilities and services for tenant companies of a certain major real estate company

・Commercialization project for RFID at a certain major commercial facility

・Construction of a large-scale EC site with over 2,000 cart-ins per second from customers with over 10 billion yen in EC sales alone

・IoT lockers for picking up overseas Wi-Fi routers at airports

・Large-scale POS installation of over 4,000 units in 1,000 stores of a certain major retail chain … etc.

There are also many other undisclosed cases such as GMS and CVS chains.

For details, please check the implementation cases (https://client.s-cubism.com/).

Starting with the construction of EC sites, we have also taken on the challenge of digitalizing stores using IoT and sensors and created various businesses, but in the future we will focus on solving large-scale and more difficult social issues surrounding EC.

Remote work has also become established, and a very easy-to-work environment has been established.

The keyword for S-cubism is TRY with OneTeam!

Sales, project delivery, product development, QA, and system support all work together as one team to meet customers, so we can provide greater value by working closely together while fulfilling each team's responsibilities.

Application requirements
■Required skills
・Web system development experience (those with experience in requirements definition are welcome)
・Customer negotiation experience
・Mind to advance your career as a PL or PM in the future

Welcome conditions
■Welcome skills
・Experience using development partners (several cases or more)
・System development experience for EC, POS, distribution, etc.
・Experience in design and development work using PHP
・Flexible response to issues and communication skills

※If you would like to hear more about us first, please feel free to contact us about starting a casual interview.

■Desired personality
・Someone who can act quickly based on their own correct answer and continue to make efforts and improve
・Someone who can work with others to tackle issues and fulfill their role with a strong sense of responsibility

Annual salary 5 million yen to 8 million yen Million yen

■Wage system: Flextime system
■Monthly salary: 385,550 yen to 613,950 yen
Basic salary (292,550 yen to 466,550 yen)
Overtime allowance equivalent to 40 hours per month (93,000 yen to 147,400 yen)
Additional premium pay for over 40 hours
■Salary increase/promotion: twice a year

Bonus details
■Bonus: twice a year (performance-linked bonus of 0.5 months/half year)

Work location

- Opportunity to come to the office once a week and communicate face-to-face

(Frequency of coming to the office varies depending on the situation of each department)

- Regardless of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work will continue to be the norm

Possibility of transfer
Working hours
■Flexible system
Standard working hours: 9:30-18:30
Core time: 11:00-15:00
Flexible time: 7:00-11:00 15:00-22:00
Break time: 1 hour
Average monthly scheduled working hours: 160 hours
Overtime work: Yes (average 20 hours per month)

Average monthly overtime hours
Various allowances
Employee benefits
・Telework allowance (5,000 yen per month)
・Transportation expenses paid (actual expenses paid)
・Long-term service award (30,000 yen travel voucher and commemorative gift for 5 years of service, 10,000 yen per year for 10 years or more of service)
・Club activity support system (activity expenses supported)
・Maternity and childcare leave system
・Shortened working hours system
・Book purchase system
・Employee referral reward system

・Headquarters social gathering system (system to hold social gatherings at the company's expense up to 3 times a year in the daytime and evening)

Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays off
■Holidays and holidays
・2 days off per week (Saturdays and Sundays)・National holidays
・Annual paid leave
・Celebration and condolence leave
・Summer and New Year's holidays
・Birthday leave
Annual holidays 120 days

Trial period
Trial period (details)
3 months

Number of employees

Selection flow
▼ Document screening (resume and work history with photo)
▼ First interview
▼ Final interview
▼ Job offer/offer interview

People with a high chance of being hired
■Welcome skills
・Experience using development partners (several cases or more)
・Experience in system development for EC, POS, distribution, etc.
・Experience in design and development work using PHP
・Flexible response to issues and communication skills

※If you would like to hear more about us first, please feel free to contact us about starting a casual interview.

■Desired personality
・Someone who can act quickly based on their own correct answer and continue to make efforts and improve
・Someone who can work with others to tackle issues and fulfill their role with a strong sense of responsibility