
[Server Engineer] 2-day weekend system
Annual income: 3.6 million yen to 6 million yen
Type: IT Engineer [Server/Network Design, Construction]

■Resume and work history written in Japanese are required.
■We are an employment agency.
■Work experience in Japan
■Ability to communicate naturally in Japanese

Employment type
Full-time employee (unlimited contract)

Job description
■Job description:
As an infrastructure engineer, you will participate in server and network design and construction projects. You will be involved in work according to your skills, from upstream processes such as design, construction, and migration to the implementation process. Recently, there has been a rapid increase in projects involving not only design and construction in cloud environments such as AWS, but also service planning.

[Project contracting method] Approximately 70% are prime projects. We do business with a total of more than 200 companies.
[Project examples] There are many roles ranging from design and construction work at major carriers and SI companies to roles as infrastructure managers within end-user companies.
[Technical environment] The server environment is mainly Linux and Windows, and the network is mainly Cisco, and recently we have placed emphasis on projects where you can learn virtual environment technology.
[Project size] Varies depending on the project. Our policy is to assign better projects according to the requests and characteristics of each engineer.
[Current project process] There are no projects that are mainly downstream processes.

Management process (PM/PMO) 0% / Upstream process (requirements definition) 23.0% / Midstream process (mainly basic design to construction) 38.5% / Downstream process (mainly testing and verification) 0% / Maintenance 38.5%

■ About the company culture:

The company was founded by the CEO, who is an engineer, to create a place where engineers can thrive. Since we are not hiring for a specific project, we will ask through interviews about the environment in which each individual can thrive in the field and role they want to be involved in in the future, and prepare it. During the interview, we spend 2-3 hours asking questions such as "What kind of engineer do you want to be?" and "What do you want from the company?" and think about career development together. In addition, the company's sales staff do not have quotas or incentives. And they value "assignments that lead to the self-realization of each engineer." This is the background to the fact that decisions are not made for the convenience of the company or sales. If something is "different from what we agreed on" after participating in the project, the sales staff will discuss it with the customer, and if the issue is not resolved, they will end the contract and provide a new assignment. We are proud of the environment where you can talk about your worries and thoughts without hesitation or restraint.

Application requirements
・Experience as an infrastructure engineer
*We have an environment where you can learn various technologies from cloud services to on-premise environments.

As a place to utilize the skills you have acquired, we would like you to be involved in upstream processes such as requirements definition and basic design phases, so that you can accurately grasp customer needs and take on an important and responsible role.

■Welcome conditions:
Design and construction experience in cloud services such as AWS

Annual salary 3.6 million yen to 6 million yen

Salary details
(Salary examples, etc.)
■Annual salary examples: 28-year-old SE: approx. 4.8 million yen / 30-year-old sub-leader: approx. 5.4 million yen
3.6 million yen to 6 million yen

Annual salary system
*12 divisions

Annual amount (basic salary): 2,907,600 yen to 4,845,600 yen
Fixed overtime allowance/month: 57,700 yen to 96,200 yen (fixed overtime hours 30 hours 0 minutes/month)
Overtime allowance for excess overtime work will be paid additionally

300,000 yen to 500,000 yen (12 divisions) (including flat-rate allowance)



*Salary details are determined according to the company's regulations, taking into account experience, age, and previous salary
■Salary increase: once a year
The amount listed may go up or down through the selection process.

Monthly salary (monthly) includes fixed allowances.

Bonus details
■End of year bonus: Paid based on business performance (continuously paid since 2010)

Work location

Work location details
<Work location details>
Head office
Address: 7F Arca Central, 1-2-1 Kinshi, Sumida-ku, Tokyo
Nearest station to work location: All lines/Kinshicho Station


Possibility of transfer
Working hours
9:30-18:00 (Scheduled working hours: 7 hours 30 minutes)

Break time: 60 minutes (12:00-13:00)

Overtime work: Yes

*The above is for the head office, and in the case of permanent staff, it depends on the rules of the place of permanent staff

Overtime: Average 15.4 hours per month

Average monthly overtime hours

Various allowances

Welfare benefits

Commuting allowance, family allowance, health insurance, welfare pension insurance, employment insurance, workers' compensation insurance

Commuting allowance: Full payment

Family allowance: 10,000 yen/month for spouse, 5,000 yen/month for each child

Social insurance: Full range of social insurance

■Various training systems (business training, human skills training, rank-based training, etc.)

■Support for qualification acquisition (company pays for exam fees and reference book purchases)

■Defined contribution year Friday
■Various training systems (business training, human skills training, training by rank, etc.)
■Support for obtaining qualifications (company pays for exam fees and reference book purchases)
■Maternity leave and childcare leave system (proven track record)
■Company pays full cost of company-designated medical checkups *Age restrictions apply
■Discounts for contracted facilities, hotels, sports clubs, etc. (Tokyo Information Service Industry Health Insurance Association (commonly known as TJK))
Full range of social insurance (employment, industrial accident, health, welfare pension)

Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays off
10-20 days of paid leave per year (minimum number of days granted after 6 months of employment)
120 days of annual leave

Summer leave, winter (year-end and New Year's holidays), paid leave, special leave, maternity leave, childcare leave, etc.
*For permanent employees, follow the client's leave system
120 days of annual leave

Trial period
Trial period (details)
<Trial period>
3 months
Trial treatment is basically the same as when hired

Number of employees

Selection process
2 interviews


People with a high chance of being hired
Please refrain from applying if you are looking for a job that is only remote work.