
[Sales Engineer] Remote work available / Flextime system / Management improvement platform for multi-store, multi-location businesses
Annual income: 6 million to 10 million yen
Type: IT Engineer [System Development, SE, Infrastructure] / System Consultant
■Resume and work history written in Japanese are required.
■We are an employment agency.

Employment type
Full-time employee (indefinite contract)

Job description
[Recruitment background]
As our business expands, the number of clients for our products has also increased. Therefore, in order to meet the individual needs of major clients, we need someone who can listen to, plan, and design ways to realize those needs. This position is a creative position that draws out needs from communication with clients and is the key to new product functions.

[Job description]
You will listen to needs that will be more useful to clients and support them until they are realized.
In order to provide a system that will please the headquarters staff and store employees of the implementing company, we would like you to work with internal and external development teams, designers, consultants, sales teams, etc. to formulate product specifications. After that, we would like you to lead the team from development to release, and then play a role in establishing and using the system at headquarters and stores.

[Job Details]

- Functional adjustment with client's system department (DB design, API integration)

- Customer visits, data analysis, market research

- Planning new features in collaboration with sales, CS, and engineers

- Identifying product improvements and directing solutions

- Establishing schedules and resource plans

- Basic product design and functionality improvement work

[Development environment]

- Development language: Ruby, TypeScript

- Framework: Ruby on Rails, React, Next

- Database: PostgreSQL

- Project management: JIRA

- Server environment: AWS (Docker during development)

- Communication tool: Slack


#About ABILI
"ABILI" is a system that uses short videos to improve the productivity and organizational management of the service industry. It is a service management platform that accumulates "knowledge", "technology", and "information" necessary for service provision at multi-store and multi-base sites as short videos of a few seconds to a few minutes, and realizes financial benefits by exchanging information between headquarters and the site using tablets and smartphones.

We are working to create a system that will lead to improved productivity in the service industry, which operates multiple stores, by expanding OJT from one-to-one to one-to-many, creating an environment where new employees can train alone anytime, anywhere, 24 hours a day, remote store management, speedy and reliable communication from headquarters to the field, and lateral deployment of excellent knowledge in the field.

Currently, it is being used in a wide range of service fields, including restaurants, retail companies, nursing care welfare, beauty, and logistics. In addition to providing the system, we have also organized a specialized team in-house for producing video content. We also provide consulting services, aiming to solve various issues in the service industry by working alongside our customers.

Application requirements
・Web service development experience
・3+ years of experience in the requirements definition phase
・Experience working with large companies as clients
・Experience in business roles such as sales, consulting, and business development

Required years of experience
3+ years
IT engineer [system development, SE, infrastructure] / system consultant
The above experience is required to apply

Welcome conditions
・Experience working at a system integrator
・Experience in large-scale system development
・DB design experience
・IT vendor certification

Monthly salary
Annual income 6 million to 10 million yen

Salary details
(Salary example, etc.)
Annual income 6,000,000 yen - 10,000,000 yen
*Expected annual income includes fixed overtime pay of 45 hours per month
*The above is a reference estimated annual income. Actual income will be determined based on experience and skills.

■Salary increase
Twice a year (March, September)

Bonus details
Work location

Possibility of transfer
Working hours
Flextime system: Core time 11:30-16:30 Monthly labor settlement system
*Standard working hours per day 8 hours Standard working hours 9:30-18:30

Average monthly overtime hours
Employee benefits
■Commuting expenses
Full payment (up to 50,000 yen)

■Employee benefits
・Remote work allowance: 10,000 yen/month
・Learning support system (up to 5,000 yen/month for seminar participation and book purchases)
・Subsidy for departmental drinking parties
・Subsidy for use of services provided by participating companies
・Subsidy for meal expenses at recruiting meetings
・Employee referral system (10% of annual salary for those who joined the company through referral) *Rounded up to 100,000 yen
・New employee welcome lunch subsidy
・Social insurance: Health insurance (Kanto IT Software Health Insurance), Employee's Pension Insurance, Workmen's Accident Compensation Insurance, Employment Insurance

Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays off
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, paid holidays, year-end and New Year's holidays (5 days), special holidays (can be taken for celebrations, condolences, and infectious diseases)

Trial period
Trial period (details)

3 months

Number of employees

Selection flow
Document screening → 1st interview (manager) → 2nd interview (manager) → Final (representative interview)