
Sales (existing customers/deep development sales)
Annual income: 4 million to 8 million yen
Type: Sales / Planning Sales [Corporate Sales / Personal Sales]
■Resume and work history written in Japanese are required.
■We are an employment agency.
■Able to communicate in Japanese

Employment type
Full-time employee (unlimited contract)

Job description
[Business description]
For customers who have already signed up for the website and mobile app multilingualization SaaS "WOVN", you will be conducting interviews to identify potential issues and making proposals to resolve them in order to promote a more optimal multilingual strategy.

[Job Details]

- Hearing current issues and extracting potential issues for existing customers

- Introducing and proposing new functions and services to existing customers

- Pre-sales work, accompanying sales

- Tossing up proposals for upselling and cross-selling

Application Requirements


- Experience in corporate sales (approximately 3 years or more)

- Basic knowledge and literacy in the web and IT

Required years of experience

3 years or more
Sales/Planning sales [Corporate sales/Individual sales]

The above experience is required to apply

Welcome Requirements


- Deep sales experience in the IT/Web field

- Customer success experience in the IT/Web field

- Experience in large-scale system implementation projects

- Programming/development experience

- Business level or higher English skills (communication with development team may be in English)


Monthly salary

Annual salary 4 million to 8 million yen

Salary details

(Salary examples, etc.)

* Determined based on experience and skills.
■Salary increase: twice a year (April and October)
*Determined based on personnel evaluation and assessment every half year.

Bonus details
Twice a year (April and October)
*Determined based on personnel evaluation and assessment every half year.

Work location

Work location details
Head office:
2-26-1 Minamiaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo D-LIFEPLACE Minamiaoyama 9F

Possibility of transfer
None for the time being
Work hours

・Full flextime system (no core time), or discretionary work system
・Standard working hours 10:00-19:00 (including 1 hour break)

Average monthly overtime hours
Various allowances
・Commuting expenses (up to 30,000 yen per month)
・Qualification allowance

Employee benefits
Transportation expenses provided, full social insurance, company housing/dormitories
・Social insurance (Kanto IT Software Health Insurance Association)
・Employment insurance
・Language training support
・Leased company housing system

Weekends off
[Year-end and New Year holidays, paid holidays, special holidays]

2 days off per week (Saturday and Sunday), Year-end and New Year holidays (December 29th to January 3 days), paid vacation (29 days or more per year), special leave for special occasions

*At WOVN, where members come from various cultures, public holidays are work days and paid vacation is given for the corresponding amount of time, so you can take vacation at your own convenience according to your own customs.

Trial period
Trial period (details)
3 months

Number of employees

Selection flow
Measures to prevent passive smoking
[No smoking]