
Field marketing, public relations and community management specialist
Annual income: 4 million to 8 million yen
Type: Planning, marketing, management and administration
■Resume and work history written in Japanese are required.
■We are an employment agency.
■Able to communicate in Japanese

Employment type
Full-time employee (unlimited contract)

Job description
In this position, as a member of the marketing team, you will proactively take on a wide range of missions, mainly focusing on various nurturing measures.

■Specific duties (examples)
・Planning, attracting, and managing various online/offline seminars
・Planning and promoting nurturing strategies and measures for house lists
・Managing user communities, planning, attracting, and managing events for users
・Planning user interviews, conducting interviews, and writing

■Image of WOVN's target customers/buyer personas
WOVN proposes solutions centered on its in-house developed SaaS for companies that have issues disseminating information in multiple languages.
WOVN customers come from a wide variety of industries and business types, but among them,

- Manufacturing companies that are promoting global expansion and the hiring of foreign talent

- Financial companies that need online banking support for foreign residents

- Entertainment companies that want to promote the global dissemination of Asian culture, including K-POP

- Retail companies, where cross-border e-commerce total sales are expected to increase tenfold over the next 10 years

are particularly interested in promoting web multilingualization and global strategies.

Application requirements
〇 Experience in one or more of the following
・Experience in marketing work in the B2B field (approximately 5 years or more)
・Experience in business development, business planning, etc. at a business company (approximately 5 years or more)

〇 Required skills and knowledge
・Marketing literacy
・Practical skills in planning and managing marketing-related events
・Practical skills in interviews and writing

Required years of experience
5 years or more
Planning, marketing, management, and administrative positions / promotional planning, sales planning
The above experience is required to apply

Welcome conditions
・Experience in marketing work in B2B SaaS business
・Experience in starting up a department or business
・Experience in leading the planning of a large-scale conference hosted by the company

Monthly salary
Annual salary 4 million to 8 million yen

Salary details
(Salary examples, etc.)
※Determined according to experience and skills.
■Salary increase: twice a year (April and October)
※Determined based on personnel evaluation and assessment every half year.



Bonus details

Twice a year (April and October)

*Determined based on personnel evaluation and assessment every six months.

Work location

Work location details
Head office:
2-26-1 Minamiaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo D-LIFEPLACE Minamiaoyama 9F

Possibility of transfer
None for the time being
Work hours

・Full flextime system (no core time), or discretionary work system
・Standard working hours 10:00-19:00 (including 1 hour break)

Average monthly overtime hours
Various allowances
Qualification allowance, commuting expenses (up to 30,000 yen per month)

Employee benefits
Transportation expenses provided, complete social insurance
・Health insurance (Kanto IT Software Health Insurance Association)
・Employment insurance
・Qualification allowance
・Language training support

Weekends off
[Year-end and New Year's holidays, paid holidays, special holidays]

2 days off per week (Saturday and Sunday), Year-end and New Year's holidays (December 29th-January 3rd), paid holidays (yearly 29th~), and special leave for special occasions

*WOVN has members from various cultures, so public holidays are work days and paid leave is given for those days, so you can take leave whenever you like according to your own customs.

Trial period
Trial period (details)
3 months

Number of employees

Selection flow
Document screening + 2-3 interviews
*The number of selections is subject to change.

Measures to prevent passive smoking
[No smoking]