
〈大手町勤務!! 想定年収 500~600万円 / 社長室配属スタッフ/ ネイティブレベルの英語力必須!! 募集〉
500万円 〜 600万円
Type: 正社員
〈大手町勤務!! 想定年収 500~600万円 / 社長室配属スタッフ/ ネイティブレベルの英語力必須!! 募集〉




●想定年収 500~600万円
●試用期間 6ヶ月

●雇用形態 正社員 転勤有無 なし


●勤務時間 "10:00〜:19:00
●勤務地 :東京都千代田区大手町
●採用人数 1名
●所属部署情報 6名(業務委託等含む)

●その他待遇条件 "【給与】月給




・日本語の履歴書および職務経歴書のご用意が可能な方 ・IT業界、マーケティングに経験ある人は尚可"

・チームのために自律的かつスピード感をもって業務遂行し、チームと自分の成功のためにベストを尽くすための努力を惜しまない行動ができる方                                   ・将来を見据えて国際的な環境でグローバルなキャリアを築きたいという方

Working in Otemachi! We are currently recruiting for an Accounts Payable Clerk to work in our client's office.

●Recruitment Background
Due to an increase in overseas transactions as a result of business expansion, we are in need of a person who can act as a contact point for our overseas clients and improve the ●quality of our external communication between Japanese and English.

●Job Description
 In the beginning, you will be mainly responsible for interpretation and translation work in general, as well as being the contact person for our overseas business partners.                         

●Specific duties
●Support communication with overseas business partners (appointment coordination, interpretation at meetings, etc.)
●Preparation of documents (Japanese to English), translation (English to Japanese) and contract translation (English to Japanese) with overseas business partners
 The main task is to improve the quality of external Japanese-to-English communication.

●Estimated annual salary: 5-6 million yen
●Trial period: 6 months

●This is an exciting opportunity to join a growing company that is looking for an experienced and motivated individual to join their team.

●Other remarks
●The workplace is in a prime location in central Tokyo. The company is located in a prime location in the heart of the city, and even if working hours become limited due to infectious diseases or other reasons, the environment is such that it is possible to carry out work via telework.

●Working hours: 10:00 - 19:00
(Actual working hours: 8 hours, rest: 60 minutes)
●Average monthly overtime hours: None
●This is an exciting opportunity to join a growing company in Tokyo.
●Number of employees: 1
●Number of employees: 1 Number of departments: 6 (including subcontractors, etc.)

●Other conditions: "[Salary] Monthly salary
●Bonus Information
●Salary increase] Yes
●Annual holidays] 120 days
●Vacation]Two days off per week,Saturday,Sunday,National holiday,Summer,Winter,GW,Pre-natal,Post-natal,Childcare,Nursing care,Special holidays
●Special Holiday remarks
Health Insurance, Welfare Allowance
This is an excellent opportunity to work in a fast-paced environment.

■Application Requirements

●Required Requirements

・Native level English skills
・The successful candidate will be responsible for the following
・This is a great opportunity to work in a fast-paced, fast-paced environment.

In addition to the above, the following requirements are required for foreign nationals
・Must be a resident of Japan.
・Have already obtained a working visa.
・This is a great opportunity to work for a company that is looking to expand and grow.